Photo Credit: Chimera Van Ornum
We’re a couple who traveled around the world for a year. After spending 10 years in Boston, we decided to plan a grand adventure beginning in Patagonia in March 2015. We traveled through South America, Europe, Southeast Asia, and New Zealand for 12 months.
After that, we parted ways for 3 months, with Nate taking the long way back to Boston, traveling across the country. Danielle went to Argentina to visit friends and take Spanish classes.
We’re constantly learning more about ourselves and the world around us. This trip was an incredible opportunity to do just that.
When we left our incredible church community, Reunion, we made this video to share the vision for our travels and we hope it inspires you, too.
Our logo was designed by the talented Gerald Jimenez. Photographers on our blog include us, Chimera Van Ornum, and Mikhail Glabets.
I read your article about finding the cross memorial in Peru honoring your aunt and other victims of the 1970 plane crash. My sister died in the crash and I found the memorial in Sept. 2018. Here is the link to an article published in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution about my trip and the cross. As you can see, it looks different from when you were there. Someone is taking care of it and added an awning and walls and a table. Also flowers! Hope you enjoy this: https://www.ajc.com/lifestyles/trip-Peru-brings-comfort-sister-teen-who-died-1970-crash/JmwK017qPgLPZ50BeVrnnJ/